Were this article to have included a 10th item, it could have been about the people who suffer long-term effects of Covid-19 (“longhaulers,” as reader Jillian Simon notes). It will take time to fully understand the types and duration of chronic effects from the disease, but we know some things now:
Dana G Smith writes about post-civid “crippling fatigue, feeling groggy or fuzzy-headed, joint pain and deep bone aches, chest pain, heart palpitations, headaches, dizziness, and insomnia” here: https://elemental.medium.com/the-long-term-health-impacts-of-being-infected-with-the-coronavirus-d3a03f3cb6e8
Jessica Firger tells her own story here: https://elemental.medium.com/what-covid-19-did-to-my-brain-2c8ee0b64c6e
And Ed Long provides an overview here: https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/06/covid-19-coronavirus-longterm-symptoms-months/612679/