Doing Nothing Can Be Really Something

So focused on being productive, we’ve lost the ability to sit and think. Or just sit.

Robert Roy Britt


Sitting and thinking. But mostly sitting. Photos by the author

My brain was going 90 mph the other day, ruminating on a long to-do list alongside things I wanted to do, all with zero motivation to think about any of it, let alone ambition to actually do anything. I wandered around the house, listless, distracted, inconsolable.

My wife, perhaps out of irritation as much as loving consideration, suggested I head to the mountains. She knows I love the mountains. Almost as much as I love a partner who knows what I need.

I hit the road, no specific destination in mind, other than cooler temps and some trees, an escape from the 100-degree heat of the Arizona desert, from people, from suburbs, from comfort, from everything usual. Two hours later I was on a Forest Service road a few miles outside Prescott at 6,500 feet amid towering ponderosa pines. It was a weekday, so I had the area to myself. The only sounds were buzzing insects, chirping birds, and the pines whispering in the wind.

And there I sat and thunk. And sometimes I just sat. I felt better instantly.



Robert Roy Britt

Editor of Aha! and Wise & Well on Medium + the Writer's Guide at Author of Make Sleep Your Superpower: