A lot of creative types say they feel more creative at night. One example I cite in my book is the singer Christina Aguilera, who said: “I’m a bit of a night owl because that’s when I feel the most creative and alive.” But I have not found any solid scientific evidence that creative people are more likely to be night owls, nor that night owls are more likely to be creative. It may be true, but we just don’t have research to say so with any confidence. My son is a musician, and a night owl, and just yesterday we were discussing this. He said he does all his writing and recording at night (typically after midnight) because that’s when his creative juices flow. During the day, he doesn’t even try, because the creativity just won’t come. Since he doesn’t have a 9–5 job, this is seldom a problem for him, so I don’t suggest he try to change his ways. I do get a little frustrated when he visits and we barely see each other, though!